NZOIA Assessors
The quality of the NZOIA Assessor pool is the foundation of our credibility and reputation. NZOIA Assessors are highly regarded, qualified and experienced people within the sector. They are chosen for their ability to best represent, uphold and judge the standard required to be good instructors and guides in their chosen discipline and level. The process of assessing and qualifying guides and instructors is a significant responsibility requiring excellent leadership, communication and interpersonal skills. Assessors need to be highly competent practitioners with a rich history of experience and expertise to pass on to others. This means that personal recreational experience is important as well as extensive logged instructional or guiding time.
The NZOIA Technical Subcommittee oversees the selection of assessors and the Operations Manager manages the advertising and selection process, which includes consideration of NZOIA’s needs, e.g. the geographic spread of assessors and demand for assessments. Retaining a relatively small assessor pool is an important factor in maintaining quality control and moderation.
The Process:
- In February NZOIA advertises for expressions of interest in NZOIA 4YA for NZOIA 1 or 2 Assessor positions
- Eligible expressions of interest will be sent application documents
- Completed applications due 31 March
- Applications are collated by NZOIA administration and sent to a selection panel of three experienced NZOIA Assessors for assessing against set criteria
- The selection panel recommend to the NZOIA TSC the most suitable applicants at the time for the places available
- The TSC approve or request further information on the recommendations
- NZOIA administration sends out result letters by 30 April
Prerequisite Criteria:
- Registered NZOIA qualification, one level above what they are applying to assess (if available) in the relevant discipline (held for a minimum of two years)
- Logged evidence of personal and instructional experience over the last four years
Selection Criteria:
- Strength of reference (the quality of the referee and their endorsement)
- NZOIA ambassador & role model
- Instructional experience, breadth and depth
- Personal experience & technical ability
- Assessing, facilitation & feedback experience
- Industry engagement & commitment
- Location and availability
For Leader and Climbing Wall qualifications a workplace or area may have a demand to have an assessor in their workplace or community. Contact the Operations Manager for application documents, which are welcome at any time and are considered on the basis of:
- Providing evidence of sufficient demand for your services (4 candidates per every two years for each discipline you assess in).
- Meeting all selection process requirements.