Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I become a member?
Anyone can become a NZOIA member.
Check out the different membership levels on our Membership page.
This outlines all you need to know and a link to register.
NZOIA's membership year runs from 1 July to 30 June. New Registered members who join from 1 January are eligable for 50% off the membership fee.
Previous Members:
- If you were a member last year, this will be treated as a renewal
- If you wish to re-join NZOIA, but either haven't had NZOIA qualifications or don't wish to re-register old quals, contact admin@nzoia.org.nz and we can send you an invoice and reactivate your original profile once paid. You are eligible for new member discounts above.
- If you wish to re-join NZOIA and re-register your qualification, you can pay a re-registration fee (if qualification/s have been unregistered for less than 6 years) or use the NZOIA RCC process (if more than six years). If using the RCC process, you are eligible for new member discounts above. Find out more...
What are the benefits of being a member?
I've forgotten my login details
How do I renew my membership?
How do I update my contact details and membership profile?
I am a full-time student, how do I activate my student discount?
How do I access my online NZOIA Membership card?
Can I join halfway through the membership year?
NZOIA Courses
Can I organise a Custom course?
Check out our Custom Courses page, which has everything you need to know.
Can you give me a more specific location for 'X' course?
Is there anyone else going to 'X' event/course I can carpool with?
What is the difference between Refresher and Revalidation AND Registration?
Can you send me the forms I need to revalidate?
Who provides River Rescue Courses?
How do I withdraw from a course?
I've signed up for a course and paid for a new membership, but then the course was cancelled. Do I get refunded the course fee and the membership?
I can’t find any Leader Assessments on the Course Calendar; how do I find out when and where these are?
What does NZOIA do?
We promote the highest possible standards of outdoor instruction and guiding by:
- Providing a nationally recognised assessment scheme for guides and instructors
- Establishing benchmarks for guiding and instructional quality and safety management
- Review qualifications, ensuring they reflect the latest in good practice
- Train, upskill, moderate Assessors
- Promoting and supporting the interests of our members, including providing a voice at decision making levels in the outdoor sector and government
- Maintain a register of qualified instructors and guides that the public can access
- Communicating regularly with our members through newsletters, our website and national training conferences
- Fostering strategic partnerships with other groups, to reach common goals for the outdoor sector
- Contributing to industry projects and offering expert advice
- Promoting the enjoyment and conservation of our natural heritage
- Advocacy in the outdoor sector on behalf of members
- Acting as a regulatory and disciplinary body ensuring the highest level of professional conduct within our membership
How do I advertise a job on the NZOIA website?
Where do I find the Scope and Syllabus documents?
Scope and Syllabus documents can be found on the Qualifications page by clicking the applicable image to the right of the main text body. Or hover over qualifications in the drop-down menu and a second menu will pop out to the right listing the specific qualifications.
How do I put my qualifications on hold?
How do I access my NZOIA certificate/s?
When are my qualifications are due for revalidation?
How do I upload my First Aid Certificate?
How do I upload my course prerequisite documents?
Why are there no qualifications listed on my membership card?
How can I get the River Rescue Course prerequisite?
NZOIA Assessments
How do I know if I'm ready to sit an assessment?
Everything you need to know can be found on our Assessment page, including assessment preparation and training.
Read Scope and Syllabus documents carefully and ensure all prerequisites are met.
Attending the relevant NZOIA pre-assessment training course 3–12 months before attending an assessment course is strongly recommended.
Read Scope and Syllabus documents carefully and ensure all prerequisites are met.
Attending the relevant NZOIA pre-assessment training course 3–12 months before attending an assessment course is strongly recommended.
How do I apply for an assessment?
What is a Free Range Assessment?
When is the next Bush 2/ Rock 1/ Kayak Leader assessment?
Can I sit a NZOIA 2 Assessment if I don't have a current NZOIA 1 qualification in that discipline?
Where can I find the NZOIA Summary Sheet for my application?
Can I be a model client on 'X' assessment?