Membership Options

      • Associate
      • $ 60 / year
        1 July to 30 June

      • Associate Membership is a great way to stay engaged and in touch with NZOIA and the outdoor industry. Any person or organisation may apply to join NZOIA as an Associate Member. If you have qualifications but they are 'on hold', you may step-down to an Associate Member.
      • Find out more
    • Registered
    • $ 230 / year
      1 July to 30 June
      (Full time NZ Student $172.50)
      *NEW Members who join from Jan - Mar get 50% off (Use coupon IK97849648). From April, expiry will be June the following year.
    • Registered Membership is for active outdoor leaders, instructors or guides who are committed to qualifications and enhancing the quality of outdoor instruction. You need to be a registered member to apply for a NZOIA assessment.
    • Registered pic
    • Find out more
    • Affiliated
    • 1 July to 30 June
      Tier 1 - $600 (Up to 10 people)
      Tier 2 - $1000 (11-20 people)
      Tier 3 - $1500 (21-40 people)
      *41+ people: fee by negotiation
      *NEW Members who join from Jan - Mar get 50% off (For Tier 1, use coupon DB87783444. Request inv for T2&3). From April, expiry will be June the following year.
    • Affiliated membership is a low cost and flexible membership option for outdoor activity operators, offering guides and instructors access to NZOIA Leader and Climbing Wall qualifications, and membership benefits.
    • Find out more

    NZOIA Membership

    The New Zealand Outdoor Instructors Association (NZOIA) is the professional body for outdoor instructors and guides
    and has promoted excellence in outdoor instruction and guiding through qualifications since 1987.

    Why Choose NZOIA?

    1300+ Members - Excellence in Outdoor Leadership - 35+ years Experience

    NZOIA is the professional body for outdoor instructors and guides. We aim to reflect the passion, determination, and spirit of our members. NZOIA has promoted excellence in outdoor instruction and guiding through qualifications for professionals since 1987. We are the qualification body for ten outdoor activities or disciplines with three levels of qualification, which are regarded by employers throughout NZ as the benchmark of professionalism.

    We've developed New Zealand outdoor instructing and guiding into a profession with our commitment to training, standards, currency, and a code of ethical practice. Assessment, through formal peer review of our instruction and guiding practices, has improved our way of working. We're responsible for promoting the highest standards of outdoor instruction and guiding, and striving to ensure that outdoor activity participants enjoy quality experiences.

    NZOIA is run by people of the industry, for the industry. The NZOIA Board and NZOIA office staff comprise of people with extensive outdoor backgrounds and experience. They are members of NZOIA and qualification holders themselves and are subject to the same standards and processes that all NZOIA members are required to adhere to.

    Your support allows us to work on your behalf and in the best interests of the sector by acting as an advocate to other bodies such Sport New Zealand, WorkSafe, Recreation Aoteroa, Water Safety New Zealand (WSNZ), Education Outdoors New Zealand (EONZ) and the Mountain Safety Council (MSC) to name a few.


    What Does NZOIA DO?

    We promote the highest possible standards of outdoor instruction and guiding by:

    • Providing a nationally recognised assessment scheme for guides and instructors
    • Establish benchmarks for guiding and instructional quality and safety management
    • Promoting and supporting the interests of our members, including providing a voice at decision making levels in the outdoor sector and government
    • Maintain a register of qualified instructors and guides that the public can access
    • Communicating regularly with our members through newsletters, our website and national training conferences
    • Fostering strategic partnerships with other groups, to reach common goals for the outdoor sector
    • Contribute to industry projects and offer expert advice
    • Promote the enjoyment and conservation of our natural heritage
    • Acting as a regulatory and disciplinary body ensuring the highest level of professional conduct within our membership


    Join Now


    More Information:

    About NZOIA 

    Membership and Registration Terms and Conditions

    Code of Ethical Practice

    - Use of the NZOIA logo

    - Support to members in a crisis


    Honorary Life Membership

    An Honorary Member personifies the best combination of an excellent instructor, a high achieving personal performer, and an outstanding contributor to the work and promotion of NZOIA.

    Our current Honorary Members are Ray Button, Jill Dalton, Grant Davidson, John Entwisle, Jo Straker, Mick Hopkinson, Matthew Cant, Andy Thompson, Don Paterson and Mark Jones.


    © 2025 NZOIA. All rights reserved. New Zealand Outdoor Instructors Association Inc. [NZOIA]. Powered by Ideo Concepts NZ Ltd