Recognition of Current Competency (RCC)

    Qualification Matrix   |   RCC Application Form    |    He Pīkau Mātauranga workbook

    NZOIA recognises the following Association’s Qualifications and Assessments for Recognition of Current Competency (RCC). 

    • NZOIA Qualifications (2+ years past revalidation due date)
    • British Canoe Union
    • Mountain Leader Training UK Qualifications
    • IMGA/NZMGA Qualifications and Assessments
    • Switzerland Outdoor Association Canyon Qualification

    All RCC applicants are required to provide evidence of qualifications from the professional body they are transferring from.

    If the RCC applicant successfully completes the process outlined below, they will gain or re-register the relevant NZOIA qualification. A Matrix of common qualifications from the above professional bodies have been evaluated against the NZOIA standards to create a robust RCC process for holders of these qualifications.

    RCC Process

    1. Check your qualification is on the NZOIA RCC Matrix
    2. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the completed RCC Application form with:
    3. Complete payment of the RCC processing fee through ‘Other Payments’, or request an invoice by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., to pay via bank transfer. 
    4. Once payment is received, your application will be processed.
    5. Accepted applicants will have 12 months to join NZOIA as a Registered Member, and successfully complete a one-day RCC Assessment covering parts of the qualification syllabus, including the specific requirements for each qualification as outlined in the RCC Matrix.
      • To prepare for the RCC Assessment, make sure you are familiar with the Scope and Syllabus documents for the qualification. These can be found for each discipline under Qualifications. Also ensure you allow adequate time to train in New Zealand to gain the personal and leadership experience required. For overseas RCC applicants, you may find the NZ environment is a lot different to the one in which you gained your qualification in.
    6. Attend the one day RCC Assessment
      • RCC assessments are run in conjunction with Refresher Workshops, however depending on RCC enrolment numbers, the group may be all RCC candidates. If you want to plan your RCC assessment date go to the Refresher Calendar, and we will provide you with enrolment instructions upon application approval.
      • There are two possible results:
        1. Pass = you will gain/re-register the relevant NZOIA qualification
        2. Re-sit = you will need to successfully complete a full NZOIA assessment to gain the qualification
    7. Upon successful completion of the RCC Assessment, candidates will gain/re-register the relevant NZOIA qualification. By following NZOIA’s revalidation process and maintaining annual membership and registration, members and their current qualifications, appear on NZOIA’s Registration Database.

    RCC Fees

      RCC Processing Fee    Fee waived for NZOIA members who have maintained membership since qualification was gained.


      He Pīkau Mātauranga - Assessment Fee   (If you have been in NZ less than 3 years)


      He Pīkau Mātauranga - Reassessment Fee   (If applicable)


      Registered Membership


      One day RCC Assessment Fee



    Qualification not on Matrix?

    If you hold a qualification from an association that is not on the Matrix please contact the Operations Manager by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. outlining the association and qualification. If we receive a number of requests for the same RCC then we will investigate the possibility of putting them on the Matrix in the future.

    NZQA Pathways

    Contact Skills Active directly if you wish to apply for NZQA Recognition of Current Competency for your NZOIA qualification. 

    © 2025 NZOIA. All rights reserved. New Zealand Outdoor Instructors Association Inc. [NZOIA]. Powered by Ideo Concepts NZ Ltd